Welcome to the new Vonterra HOA website!

Welcome to the new Vonterra Homeowners Association (HOA) official neighborhood website. Here you will find a ton of resources that will make living in Vonterra even better than it already is! This website is intended to be the official “source” of all official Vonterra HOA information and documents, so please add it to your “favorites” or bookmarks, as it will be updated regularly (as necessary) with new announcements and information.

Please note that, from this point forward, any communication or content posted by an Association member on any other digital platform, including Facebook, represents their own personal opinion and is not reflective of an official Board position, regardless of the issue. The Board will no longer respond to any questions or comments posted on social media.

This website provides you with a one-stop-shop for all HOA-related documents, including:

  • Association Bylaws

  • Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions Declaration (CCRs)

  • Architectural Control Committee Request Form (ACC form)

  • Adopted Annual Meeting minutes

  • Adopted annual budgets

In addition, we have provided a page of useful links and key contact information for both the Board and Mainstreet Management. We have collected a number of questions that we have received over the last two years and have posted those in the FAQ’s page; please check here first if you have questions prior to contacting the HOA. If you have any questions that you would like to add, please let us know!

- Vonterra Homeowners Association Board of Directors


Zionsville Rail Trail Widening Update