Important HOA Documents
ACC Request Form
The ACC Request Form (also known as the “ACC form”) is a short form that is required to be completed by the homeowner and approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) PRIOR to the homeowner undertaking certain types of work on or making certain changes to their property. The CCR’s dictate what types of improvements or changes would require an approved ACC form.
Any work which necessitates the completion of an ACC form must wait for that form to be formally approved, in writing, by the ACC BEFORE commencing.
Failure to follow this procedure may result in the ACC requiring that all work be stopped immediately and/or work already completed without approval be returned to the original condition (or an approved condition as determined by the ACC) at the sole expense of the Owner.
Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCRs)
The Declaration of Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CCRs) is a document that governs the responsibilities of every homeowner in Vonterra, establishes the basis for the annual assessment (dues), and dictates what each homeowner can – and cannot – do on their property.
In addition, the CCR’s provide a structure for how they are to be enforced by the Board, including both legal and financial remedies to address violations who violate them.
The purpose of the CCRs is to protect and preserve the quality, integrity, and security of the neighborhood as a whole, thus protecting the values of all properties within it.
In short, if you have a question about what you can or can’t do and what could happen if you did; kindly check the CCRs first before reaching out to the Board or the ACC.
Vonterra HOA Bylaws
The Bylaws are the adopted rules and procedures that govern how the Board - a group of volunteer homeowners in Vonterra who are elected by the members of the Vonterra Home Owners Association to manage the day-to-day operations of the neighborhood - operates and conducts its business.
The Bylaws do not govern what you can or cannot do to or on your property (that’s the role of the CCRs, remember?).
Each Board member serves a three (3) year term, after which they can run for re-election or step down from the Board and offer the seat to someone else. Board member elections typically take place at the annual HOA meeting in October.
Annual Meeting Minutes
In October of each year, the Board convenes an annual meeting of all Vonterra Homeowners Association members to plan for the coming year. At this meeting, the Board will update Members on the current and anticipated “happenings” in the neighborhood, as well as vote to adopt an annual operating budget for the next fiscal year. If there are vacancies on the Board which need to be filled by new members or if there are any motions for changes to the Bylaws or CCR’s, they will be voted upon during this meeting.
The location of the meeting may vary year to year based on the availability of different venues; please be sure to check the “News” section of the website – and the mailer you should receive in advance of the meeting to confirm the final date, time, and location of the meeting.
Click on the button below to view copies of the adopted minutes from the annual meetings.
Adopted Annual Budget
Each year, the Board establishes an Annual Budget for the Homeowners Association to cover expenses required to manage and maintain the common, shared elements of the neighborhood for the benefit of all who live in the neighborhood. See the FAQ’s page for more detail on common HOA expenses.
The Annual Budget is funded through an assessment of dues collected from each homeowner on an annual basis, as well as whenever a home is sold/re-sold.
Once the final budget is approved, including a reasonable allowance for contingencies and reserves, that total amount is then divided by the total number of homes (currently 103) in the neighborhood, resulting in the annual dues amount for the upcoming fiscal year.
Click on the link below to view copies of current and prior adopted budgets. Please note that the Neighborhood did not assume control of the HOA Board from the Developer (CalAtlantic/Lennar) until FY2021.